Selec an Agent
Most people don't venture out into the Real Estate market without the support of an agent who finds new listings, shows homes that are on tour and offers real estate advice. The few who decide to look for a house on their own put themselves at a real disadvantage; they may not know the market in a given area, nor do they have help or access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) computerized listings of homes for sale that only an agent can utilize. So before you start your home shopping, you should first start shopping for a real estate professional.
A major factor in finding your "special home" that suits your personal lifestyle, meets your needs and wants, yet stays within your budget.
Able to access and analyze the multiple listing service system, locating properties for sale in your specified area of interest.
Able to provide knowledgeable about your marketplace.
Respectful of your desires and let you make your own decisions, and not force you into buying something that isn't right for you.
Aware of the complicated local and state requirements affecting property that may affect your rights of ownership.
Successful in multi-party, face-to-face negotiating. Your Realtor will write up your offer and then present it to the seller for you.
Willing to cooperate with all brokers to get the best price for you in your market.

Whether you are looking to sell, buy or rent, call us! Let us know how we can help. We want to be your Realtor for Life.